X/Hybrid fUML Transformations/src/org/hybridfuml/transformations/main/embeddingM1_ASM.mtlporg.eclipse.acceleo.ide.ui.infomessageThe Java service class 'org.hybridfuml.transformations.helper.XMIIDHelper' from the project 'Hybrid fUML Transformations' does not seem to have been exported. lineNumberseveritycharEndvPpriority charStartvHHWfY/Hybrid fUML Transformations/src/org/hybridfuml/transformations/main/EmbeddingM2_ASM.javayorg.eclipse.jdt.core.taskmessage`TODO if you wish to change the generation as a whole, override this. The default behavior shouldid priority charStarta lineNumbercharEnd userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW zmessageeTODO if you need to listen to generation event, add listeners to the list here. If you want to changeid priority charStart# lineNumbercharEnd# userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW {messagenTODO if your generation module requires access to properties files, add their qualified path to the list here.id priority charStart/H lineNumbercharEnd/ userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW |messagelTODO If you need additional resource factories registrations, you can register them here. the following lineid priority charStartD lineNumbercharEndED userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW Z/Hybrid fUML Transformations/src/org/hybridfuml/transformations/main/EmbeddingM1_CLIF.javaxmessagelTODO If you need additional resource factories registrations, you can register them here. the following lineid priority charStartD lineNumbercharEndEL userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW umessage`TODO if you wish to change the generation as a whole, override this. The default behavior shouldid priority charStarti lineNumbercharEnd userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW vmessageeTODO if you need to listen to generation event, add listeners to the list here. If you want to changeid priority charStart# lineNumbercharEnd# userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW wmessagenTODO if your generation module requires access to properties files, add their qualified path to the list here.id priority charStart/P lineNumbercharEnd/ userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW Y/Hybrid fUML Transformations/src/org/hybridfuml/transformations/main/EmbeddingM1_ASM.javaqmessage`TODO if you wish to change the generation as a whole, override this. The default behavior shouldid priority charStarta lineNumbercharEnd userEditablesourceIdJDTHHWrmessageeTODO if you need to listen to generation event, add listeners to the list here. If you want to changeid priority charStart# lineNumbercharEnd# userEditablesourceIdJDTHHWsmessagenTODO if your generation module requires access to properties files, add their qualified path to the list here.id priority charStart/H lineNumbercharEnd/ userEditablesourceIdJDTHHWtmessagelTODO If you need additional resource factories registrations, you can register them here. the following lineid priority charStartD lineNumbercharEndED userEditablesourceIdJDTHHW